Nina values opportunities to educate the public on all topics related to mental health, especially, trauma, holistic psychiatry, nutritional psychiatry, spirituality and creativity.
I am committed to continuing my participation in public discourse to educate, inspire and uplift. My work has been recognized by national and international news outlets including The New York Times, The Daily Beast, National Geographic, New York Daily News, ePregnancy, Yomiuri Shimbun, and many others. A selection of interviews and videos can be found on my YouTube channel. For Panel, Keynote Speaking, live and pre-recorded radio and internet radio broadcast, please contact me.
Reducing Gun Violence
Dr. Nina Cerfolio is a trauma, terrorism, and mass shooting expert. She is also a psychiatrist and an author.In this episode Shak Sutha and Dr. Cerfolio discuss the psychology of school/mass shooters and how we can prevent further massacres from taking place.
Gaza-Israel Conflict
INSIDE EDITION — Nina Cerfolio discusses the report from the Israeli Health Ministry saying that the Hamas hostages were drugged with Clonazepam before their release, how it could have affected the hostages and more. Nina is grateful to be a part of important conversations on the country's top-rated and most syndicated newsmagazine.
Dr Nina Cerfolio invited to share her perspective on achieving peace within the ongoing conflicts with Israel and Gaza on Sky News.
Dr Nina Cerfolio on Scripps New Live explains the psychological toll of being held captive as a hostage.
Morgan State University Shooting — Fox News & ABC
Aftermath of Morgan State University Shooting,” Fox 5 Morning News, Fox News DC, live Oct. 4, 2023. with Patrice Sanders.
“Origins of Mass Shootings in America” — ABC 7 DC, live Oct. 4, 2023, Continuing Coverage of Morgan State University
Dr Nina Cerfolio on The Debrief- SCRIPPS NEWS TONIGHT2023-10-27
Listen in—Rich Valdés American At Night (Oct. 13, 2023)
Board certified psychiatrist Dr. Nina Cerfolio explains the physical and mental toll civilians experience when they are trapped in a war zone …
Terrorism, Gun Violence & Mass Shootings
A Retrospective Observational Study of Psychosocial Determinants and Psychiatric Diagnoses of Mass Shooters in the United States, Nina E.Cerfolio, MD; Ira D. Glick, MD; Danielle Kamis, MD, Michael Laurence, JD, The Journal of Psychodynamic Psychiatry · Vol. 50, No. 3 · February 2022.WATCH MSNBC INTERVIEW on The Psychology of Mass Shooters
Dr. Cerfolio is an included author, writing a chapter titled, "The Origins of Terrorism: The Obliteration of a Sense of Belonging," in Belonging through a Psychoanalytic Lens, edited by Rebecca Coleman Curtis, PhD, Published December 29, 2020.
"The Origins of Terrorism: The Obliteration of a Sense of Belonging"In this brief interview, Nina discusses her and her team's findings of the prevalence of mental illness in domestic mass shooters from the first-ever systematic, scientific study of mass killers to determine the prevalence of mental illness.
Terrorism and the Psychoanalytic Origins. The Journal of Psychohistory 47 (4) Spring 2020, 256- 274.
NOTE: If this article is ever reprinted elsewhere, the editors should be notified for approval and attribution must be given to the JOP (Journal of Psychohistory).
OpEd in The Detroit News, Oxford trial exposes risks of ignoring mental illness in children (Jan. 30, 2024)
Quoted in The NY Post:TikTok ruined my kid’s life — now I’m suing it with 5,000 other parents (Jan. 18, 2024)
“The phenomenon of ‘TikTok brain’ results from watching personalized videos by using an algorithm designed to accurately predict which content is preferred to engage with,” Dr. Nina Cerfolio, a nationally recognized psychiatrist and trauma expert, explained to The Post. “There is an increase in dopamine within the brain’s reward center when using TikTok with the brain becoming addicted to ongoing dopamine secretion.” Cerfolio said that this often “encourages teens to continue to use the site in order to feel ‘good’ having secured their entry into the herd.”
“This ‘good’ feeling paradoxically damages their belief in their own uniqueness and originality,” she added.
The average American will unlock their smartphone at least 150 times a day, Cerfolio said — and it got to the point where Edwards’ daughter was simply addicted to TikTok.
“Many of us have become so dependent and addicted to our phones that we have forgotten how to function without them,” Cerfolio said. “The world is no longer your oyster, it is your screen.”
Cerfolio explained that screen addiction is even more hindering for “teens whose brains are still developing” and they’re “even more susceptible to the addictive behavior encouraged by TikTok practices.”
However, Cerfolio cautioned not to “throw out the baby with the bathwater,” saying that there are some TikTok trends that can be beneficial to our mental health — such as silent walking, which “allows you to unplug from the strain of daily life and tune in to being more present.”
“There is much useful information on meditation and wellness on TikTok,” she explained. “That being said, you must be alert that a lot of information is not checked for accuracy and may provide false information.”
“Chosen by a Whale," The Spirit of Change, (December 25, 2023)—Excerpt from Psychoanalytic and Spiritual Perspectives on Terrorism: Desire for Destruction (Routledge, 2023)
OpEd in The Daily Beast, The Only True Revenge for Terrorism Is Achieving Peace (Nov. 26, 2023
OpeEd - Re “Parkland Gunman Is Sentenced to Life in Prison” (front page, Oct. 14 2022)
The New York Times / Read Full Article
"I don't have words," Osmanov said. "I have too much emotion." "I love to do any sports because it brings me back to normal life," Mezhiev said. "After two years of e-mailing, calling and five or six failures with their exit visas, they're finally here," said Dr. Nina Cerfolio.
The Daily News / Read Full Article
As a result of my becoming ill, I also experienced a spiritual awakening, which consisted of an active awareness of transcendent aspects within myself that created a profound interconnectedness with something much larger than myself, be it God or the Cosmos, that was essential to my recovery. Through my spiritual growth, anthrax ironically provided a path, for both myself and my patients, to shift from submission (signified by the need to either acquiesce or rebel) to surrender (signified by being open to an expanded by the subjectivity of the other.) In this journey, we become able to uncover our authentic souls.
Cambridge Press, Loss, surrender and spiritual awakening, Palliative and Supportive Care / Read Full Article
They thought I was just another lazy American, until I finished first in the Half.
National Geographic, There + Back / Read Full Article
Feeling "meh"? Doctors say it could be an underdiagnosed disorder.
"Persistent depressive disorder basically consists of feeling sad or empty," said board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Nina Cerfolio. "It's not where people may be so impaired they can't get out of bed."
Cerfolio says the past couple of years have been difficult for many; personal struggles aside, there's been multiple wars across the world, inflation driving costs here at home, and the COVID pandemic -- all factors contributing to our mental health.
"I would say since the pandemic, we've had more incidents of persistent depressive disorder in our country," she said.
“Issues of Self-Esteem,” Fox Television, Good Morning New York, live interview with Larry Huff, July 23, 1996.
“Couples Fighting Fairly,” Fox Television, Good Morning New York, live interview with Sheryl Washington, September 4, 1996.
“Ground Zero Experience as Grief Counselor to Firemen, Policemen, and Family Members of the World Trade Center Disaster,” WNBC News, live interview with Jane Hanson and Glen Walker, September 13, 2001.
“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Survivors of World Trade Center Disaster,” WNBC News, interview with Dr. Max Gomez, September 17, 2001.
“Survivor Guilt in Survivors and Family Members of World Trade Center Disaster,” WNBC News, live interview with Dr. Ian Smith, September 20, 2001.
“Coping with Repeated Traumas,” (The World Trade Center Disaster, Anthrax, and the Crash of Flight 507), WNBC News, live interview with Jane Hanson and Maurice DuBois, November 13, 2001.
“Increased Incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse as a Result of the World Trade Center Disaster,” WNBC News, live interview with Jane Hanson and Maurice DuBois, November 14, 2001.
Humanitarian work with emergency workers at Ground Zero featured in “The Yomiuri Shimbun”, the largest newspaper circulation in the world and is one of five national Japanese newspapers.
“Psychological Benefits of Exercise for the Physically Disabled, The Achilles Marathon,” CD 101.9, interview with Mark Farrow, March 31, 2002.
“How One Overcomes Phobias, The Fear Factor Series,” WNBC News, live interview with Jane Hanson and Maurice DuBois, April 29, 30, May 1, 2, 3, 2002.
Television Commentator for the Closing Ceremony on 9/11, WNBC News, live May 30, 2002.
“Eating Disorders,” WCBS News, February 10, 2004.
“Psychological Benefits of Educational Television,” Channel 13, March 8, 2004.
Quoted in: “Confessions of a pregnant hypochondriac,” Available at:
“Psychological Implications of Dr. Northrup's Mother-Daughter Relationships,” Channel 13, July, 2005.
Featured Triathlete, New York City Triathlon, Channel 4, July, 2005.
Featured Runner, 2006 Runner's Classic, CBS Sports Spectacular, Orlando Florida, November, 2006.
Featured Runner, 2006 Runner's Classic CBS Sports Spectacular Orlando, Florida
Featured Triathlete, New York City Triathlon Channel 4
Nina Cerfolio presents for: The International Psychohistorical Association: Adolescent Domestic Mass School Shooting Sprees and the Need for Humane Parenting
Empowering Teen Parents - with tips and wisdom related to resilience and more. From, "Our Best Response to Mass shootings and Trauma," an interview from Teen Triumph Summit, a Four-day online Summit hosted by Tanya V. Goldfrad.
Coping with Trauma The World Trade Center Disaster, Anthrax, Crash of Flight 507 NBC News
How One Overcomes Phobias, The Fear Factor Series, NBC News
Ground Zero Experience as Grief Counselor to Firemen, Volunteers & Family Members of The World Trade Center Victims. NBC News Sept. 2001
Survivor Guilt in Survivors and Family Members of World Trade Center Disaster NBC News
Psychological Benefits of Educational Television Channel 13
Psychological Implications of the Mother- Daughter Relationship Channel 13