
Open your Creativity and Let it Fly / Seven Days of Gratitude

Open your Creativity and Let it Fly / Seven Days of Gratitude

Today, I'm grateful for creativity. It feels GOOD to be creative in any form of expression and creativity provides a host of benefits that are particularly helpful in our current global moment. Did you know, pursuing creative activities can help to reduce stress and anxiety, spark healing, bring a sense of purpose and accomplishment, AND improve your mood? With our lives and routines uprooted and isolation being a way of life for the time being, creativity can be an important key in managing change and thriving through challenging times. Professionally, as a psychiatrist and analyst, I encourage creativity as a part of the therapeutic process, as it's been proven to be a powerful avenue for healing. Personally, I enjoy creative writing

Through the Eye of a Whale: Surrendering to Find Psychospiritual Meaning

Through the Eye of a Whale: Surrendering to Find Psychospiritual Meaning

As I moved emotionally forward and inward in order to surrender to write a memoir, the symbol of Molly taught me to insulate my creative energies more conservatively and efficiently. Whales have an ancient knowledge of how to use the creative force of breath to conserve oxygen under water by decreasing blood flow to areas of their body where it’s nonessential. Thinking about my Molly, an ancient symbol for creation, showed me the magnificence and power of my own creativity. I learned not to keep myself small but to embrace my vulnerabilities and shine to find my authentic voice. My inner corrective emotional experience bookended by my whale dream and my encounter with Molly marked more than a decade of inner spiritual growth. As a result of being ill, I awakened to my true self and divinity.