
Mouth Wide Open: Stop the Cycles of Terrorism

Mouth Wide Open:  Stop the Cycles of Terrorism

The brutal oppression of Chechens is mirrored in the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. The retaliatory violence in the Middle East—more than 13,000 Palestinian children have been killed since the Israeli assault began 2—nullifies the virulent sides reifying the retaliation because in truth this is an intricate test of our belief in the sanctity of human life. While the world argues left/right and chicken/egg, Palestinians are out of time. Where is the world’s outrage at such catastrophic proportions for the continuing pageant of the desecration of human life in Gaza? 

Recently published in The Journal of Psychohistory

Recently published in The Journal of Psychohistory

I'm pleased to share that my article, "Terrorism and the Psychoanalytic Origins," has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Psychohistory (JOP), a peer reviewed journal. JOP is focused on Psychohistory, the science of historical motivations, combining the insights of psychotherapy with the research methodology of the social sciences to understand the emotional origin of the social and political behavior of groups and nations, past and present.