5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday

5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday

Keep your sparkle, stay merrier, stay bright …

1.  Make emotional space to acknowledge your feelings.

During the holidays we are all stressed with buying gifts, wrapping presents, baking holiday treats, but it is important to create the space to acknowledge our feelings. Slow down enough, to hold onto your feelings in the moment. Express yourself in a neutral, assertive tone. This is a gift to yourself and others.

2. Recognize that the people in your life are not going to change.

We are all bombarded by Holiday advertisements and Hallmark cards that depict the perfect families. We may strive to have these picture perfect holidays, but it is important to realize that perfection is not realistic. Accept the family members and friends for who they are. It is old information who will be critical, loud, or eat or drink too much. Allow others to be separate from you without judgement.

3. Learn to say NO.

Overextending ourselves especially on the holidays leads to burnout, resentment and anger. Be able to no to others who are offering us too much food or insisting upon your attendance for a party. Have realistic expectations of what you can and cannot do. Take a moment to prioritize things you want to do for the day. Give yourself permission to triage those things that are important to get done and let go of those things you do not have time to get to. Allow yourself to do the less important things the next day or when you have the time. Stress results have having the attitude of “ should do.”

4. Stick to healthy practices.

Do things in moderation. Eat, drink, exercise in moderation. Do not stuff yourself. Stay away from excess unrefined carbohydrates (Desserts, Cookies, Pies, Crackers). Drink low calories beverages like tea, spritzer and water. Drink alcohol moderately. Try to limit the high calorie, sugary mixed drinks and cocktails. Exercise aerobically three times a week or more for 30 minutes. Spend time with loving, supportive people.

5. Make time to spend with yourself for 15 minutes each day.

Set aside some time each day (15 minutes) to meditate, stretch, listen to relaxing music or just breath. Allowing ourselves to be rejuvenated is vital, but is especially important during the holidays. It is empowering when we can slow things down to “just be” to rejuvenate ourselves in our hectic lives.