6 Steps to Support Your Child’s Mental Health as They Go Back to School During Covid 19

Back-to-school time can be stressful for parents and children of any age during the best of times. This year, the decision for children to go back to school has brought new stress and anxiety as schools announce options and parents decide on what’s best for their family.  Supporting your child’s mental health as they return to school during Covid 19 will be easier with a plan. Share this with your partner, co-parent and friends with kids to help your children (and yourselves) to better navigate, cope and thrive through the unknown and all of the changes for back to school. It’s an odd time for everyone, so be easy on yourself  - working from home and homeschooling isn’t easy - and remember, your child’s mental health is always more important than their grades.

Support your child’s mental health as they return to school during Covid 19 with these 6 steps:

1. PROFESSIONAL: Keep it medical and professional first - Assess your child’s history of underlying medical illness and risk of developing Covid19 to make an informed decision as to whether they should go back to school or learn remotely. Also have a conversation about how they are feeling about returning to school. The coronavirus has caused major disruptions to daily life and children may be feeling these changes deeply. Reassure them that it is natural to feel scared and anxious and that they are not alone. If they need professional help, get it. If you choose to send them back full time or home school full or part–time, remember it’s perfect for your family, and may not be for others. It’s important that we collectively hold judgment about others' decisions, especially when parents field their kids’ questions about why playmates aren’t following the same school style.

2. EMPATHIZE & REASSURE (then set on repeat):  If your child is scared to go back to school, have an open honest conversation about what is worrying her and let them know it is natural to feel anxious. Be empathic and reassuring that many people may be having anxiety and other feelings about dealing with the coronavirus.

3. VALIDATE: If your child’s school is recommending wearing protective clothing, which is making your child nervous, encourage an open conversation, saying that you understand your child’s feelings of anxiety about coronavirus. It is important to acknowledge your feelings about the pandemic as well. Reassure your child that lots of adults are working hard to keep your family safe. It is important we all follow recommended measures to take care of the more vulnerable individuals in our community.

3. BE A MODEL CITIZEN:  Model and encourage calm, confident behavior, particularly while helping a child get ready for school, along with regular wearing of masks, regular hand washing, and social distancing with your child. They’ll feel more relaxed if you are relaxed, and understand more easily what practices are important right now.

4. COMMUNICATE: Continue to assess and have an open dialogue with your child in terms of how they are coping and feeling with going back to school with the coronavirus. Some questions are: are they comfortable, are they being bullied, do they have friends, do they like their teachers, do they feel safe, are they involved in extracurricular activities?  Don’t make any assumptions - stay in regular communication with teachers and your children.

5. BREATHE: Teach children positive, calming mantras, such as ‘I am calm and safe’ to repeat to themselves silently when needed and engage in calming breath-work, mindfulness and meditation practices aimed at children alongside them. There are lots of terrific age-appropriate programs available online created specifically for young children and teenagers. Start together, and then gradually help them keep a private, consistent practice, even if it’s simply FIVE minutes of deep breathing with eyes closed. This will teach them how to center, calm and regulate themselves.

6.) DE-STRESS:  Encourage activities known to promote de-stressing such as outdoor play where possible and creative endeavors. Dance it out, bake it out, paint it out, play it out!

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