Enjoying a Slower Pace / Seven Days of Gratitude

Enjoying a Slower Pace · Day 1: Gratitude

In the spirit of encouraging us all to focus on what we DO have - our blessings, and what I want to see grow, I’ll be planting seeds of gratitude the next 7 days, and hope you’ll join me in helping to spread positivity and joy. Half-empty or half-full, my glass just IS, and I’m ever so grateful that I have a glass. Cheers to whatever’s in yours!

Today, I’m grateful for a slower pace. Sure I miss seeing patients, friends and loved ones in person along with patronizing my favorite restaurants and businesses. But I’m reveling in the quiet and stillness that abounds from our collective halt. WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR TODAY?

#holisticpsychiatry #gratitude #positivity #wellness #greatermentalhealth #mentalhealth #theattitudeofgratitude #spirituality #covid19 #coronavirus #silverlinings #focusonthegood #bethechange #slowdown #breathe