
5 Steps to Thrive the Outcome of the Election

5 Steps to Thrive the Outcome of the Election

As if 2020 couldn’t get any more challenging, we’re at the precipice of one of the most contentious elections in recent memory as a nation, with reports that the end (results) may not be in clear sight. Dealing with uncertainty, navigating disappointment and regulating emotions are essential life skills in ‘normal times’. This year, the stakes feel higher with reports of suppression, intimidation, threats and conflicting information from both sides. Ready or not, we’re being called to up-level our resilience. So what do you do if your candidate of choice doesn't win the election? You …

Three Gifts of Coronavirus

Three Gifts of Coronavirus

While grieving alongside the world, I am awake and aware. Many are suffering through uncertainty, stress of loneliness, unemployment, lack of income, home-schooling and social-isolation. Despite all the death, suffering and financial challenges, there is a silver lining in the coronavirus pandemic if we are still enough to see. In shining a light on a few of the positive outcomes, my intention is to help uplift us …